
Howdy, if you’re reading this, thank you! I’ve always viewed an About Page as a tough sell when I’m not offering employment or desirable products at reasonable prices.

Speaking of employment, that’s the opposite of what I have right now. You probably guessed that by the header / web address. I decided to start this blog because there is only so many days you spend six hours sending your resume out in a cramped bedroom before you go insane.

I am a 22-year-old recent college graduate tasting my first series of whippings from the real world. After moving to the Washington DC area straight outta college, and after trying vehemently to find full time work, with no help from SIX staffing agencies, I returned to my parent’s home in New Hartford, Connecticut, where I currently remain.

I can’t stay here. I know that. Not only because I already got too much of my mother nagging me to clean my room the first 18 years of my life, but a big city is must-be destination for me. One reason: public transportation. I’m legally blind, (righteously) forbidden from driving, and lacking the independence that a car provides, take it from me, can rip one’s psychological well being to shreds.

Yes, I have a disability, it’s quite the rascal. It’s what called an invisible disability because I don’t use a cane or a guide dog. But you’ll be able to tell when I press my phone against my face in an attempt to read Google Maps. I also try not to make it my most prominent feature, it does work its way into my writing from time to time.

I’m trying to become a stand-up comedian, but I know that won’t be paying the bills for at least another five years, if I’m super lucky. My comedy is a mix of observational humor, self deprecation and screaming my personal demons at strangers. I’ve been told that I’m really talented, and I choose to believe those people. Right now stand-up, along with professional wrestling (which I don’t practice but adore) are basically my only reasons for living. If I can add this blog to that list, I think my mental health will improve substantially. #kiddingnotkidding

Until recently, I’ve spent most of my adult life as a student the University of Connecticut, from which I graduated in May. There I studied journalism, political science and creative writing, because I didn’t a career apparently. A majority of the time I spent writing was for the school’s newspaper The Daily Campus, where I served as the Associate Editor of the Life section my senior year. (This is really starting to sound like a cover letter.) While I did report on campus performances, readings and special lectures (including ones from George Takei and Anita Hill), I took most pleasure in writing about movies, music and other modern entertainments. I wrote a weekly film column from my second semester until I graduated. The Daily Campus remains my finest professional achievement.

I grew up as a fairly sheltered child, with my knowledge of arts and pop culture practically non-existent. I used to think Pat Benatar made grunge music; no, really. Now I strive to be as cultured as possible. I try to immerse myself in as many films, albums, books etc. as I can. This is made easier by a plethora of free time, and more difficult by a drought of disposable income and a less-than-spectacular attention span.

On this blog you see a lot of writing on said various entertainment outlets. Reviews of new things because they’re relevant and old things because I’m bored. I love to compile lists, but unlike Rob Gordon of High Fidelity, I will show some restraint and only share the most intriguing ones with y’all. But I also hope to share works of creative non-fiction (you have no idea how badly I want to be David Sedaris) and fiction (if I can muster the confidence to actually share it).

It is my goal to eventually move this blog beyond text on a page, because really nobody wants that anymore but we tolerate it. Once I have an actual budget and more knowledge on the matter, audio and video production (a podcast mayhaps) will commence.

But for now, I present to you, kind reader lending me their precious time and attention (this is a lengthy about page, I wonder if anyone will actually make it this far) my humble contemplations on whatever I deem spilling my thoughts and feelings on.

If you would like to contact me for whatever reason: my email address is brendonmfield@gmail.com

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