I Think I’m Dying. Wait, No, I’m Just Crazy. That’s A Relief.

My good friend Ray and I were once having a conversation about paranoia, which has had a loose leash on me for the last few years. He told me something that was both comforting and disconcerting. “The worst thing about paranoia is that it’s completely rational.”

It meant that I wasn’t bonkers for acknowledging the constant dangers looming in the blind spots of the human habitat and subsequently worrying about them. People say the biggest folly of young people is their feeling of invincibility; I definitely don’t have that. At the same time, pharmacies don’t carry medication for rationalism.

The phase of prodding fear that I was going through at that time was highway crashes. Not being able to drive, thanks to albinism, I’m forever relegated to the passenger seat; the most dangerous spot in the car. Not only that, I’m never the one in control. I would stare out the window at the passing sedans and tractor trailers and wonder: how much sleep did you get last night, is there a phone in your hand, what would you do if a sneezing fit were to strike?

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