Review: ‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens’ (Spoiler Free)

The Force Awakens
Photo: Huffington Post

Foreword: When I say that this review is spoiler free, I mean that I won’t be giving away anything gasp-worthy, or what the trolls have been surreptitiously placing on random Reddit posts. However, I will be giving away background details, as much that’s revealed within the first act, which is my standard policy for reviews. But this is also being published after “The Force Awakens'” opening weekend, so let’s be real, you’ve seen it. I don’t you know why you would be reading this if you hadn’t. But if you are, thanks for the attention.

If the nearly quarter-billion in earnings from the opening weekend doesn’t prove that the release “Star Wars: the Force Awakens” isn’t the most anticipated event in 2015, then our standards of proof need to be re-measured.

I will admit that I chose not to ride the “Star Wars” hype-wing. My distrust of director J.J. Abrams following, at least what I saw, as a butchering of the “Star Trek” reboot quelled my expectations.  And although I was in first grade when it came out, I hadn’t forgotten what happened the world lost their minds for the new first chapter in a “Star Wars” trilogy.

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