You And I Are Not The Story, The Fine Line Between Sympathy And Self-Aggrandization

Photo: Telegraph
Photo: Telegraph

The world is still reeling from the horrific terrorist attacks in Paris, France that have left over 130 people dead and 350 injured. Like every incident of this sort, it reminds us just how serious the war against radical militants is, even though the fight continues in a part of the world most of us will never see first hand.

At this time I would like to express my sincerest condolences to the families of all those affected by this tragedy; and to France as a nation as they collectively grieve and look toward the future as they work to prevent another attack of any scale from occurring ever again.

Now, regarding the above paragraph, is it something that you really needed to read? Does it matter at all that I, a drop in the endless ocean of Internet bloggers, say I that I mourn in solidarity with the French?

Isn’t that also something that we should all just assume? Since I, like you, am a reasonable person that recognizes the savagery in the slaughtering of innocents and am emotionally capable of feeling and expressing sorrow in the wake of such an event.

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